
Is It Time to Revamp Your Marketing Talent Pipeline?

Hiring the right people is essential. Has your talent pool become stale? Here’s how to freshen it up.


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Marketing departments rely on having the right people available to tackle their creative, strategy, and execution. While many candidates want a role, it’s critical to find the right mix of cultural fit, experience, and vision to take your brand to market and make campaigns a reality.
If you’re struggling to find the right people and simply posting a job ad isn’t attracting the candidates you want, here are some ideas for revamping your marketing talent pipeline.
Network in marketing organizations: Does your marketing team or HR team network in marketing group, such as the Marketing Association of America or similar organizations? If not, actively taking part can help increase your network. Take advantage of networking opportunities—especially locally—to get to know the talent available to your organization. Beyond that, leverage your networks to promote job opportunities, potentially fill open requisitions, and help boost the visibility of your brand in the marketing community.
Post on LinkedIn®Many companies post job openings on their websites and hope the right candidates will come. However, except for the largest brands, this may not lead to the candidates you hope for. Instead, bypass random career sites or online job boards and go straight to LinkedIn. As the top social media site for professionals, it’s a great way to position your opportunity in front of the talent you want in your organization.
Use social media: Social media is a great way to boost word of your job openings—or even preview future openings. Have your company share these online, or use an HR account specifically for finding great candidates. Linking out to your job posts can be combined with hashtags to expand your reach and join the wider conversation. Hashtags to look at include #job, #jobad, #marketing, and #marketingjobs.
Don’t forget employee referrals: Sometimes, your existing team is your best source of future hires. Their former colleagues, classmates, or someone they know from a professional organization might be the perfect hire for your organization. But employees are busy with their own jobs—and they might not think about referring someone for a role unless you give them a reminder. Incentives, such as payout some months after a successful hire, can also encourage your team to open up their network and help you identify your next big hire.

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